Trung Quang Duong
Research Chair - Royal Academy of Engineering (2021-2025) and Professor at Queen's University Belfast, UK
- Collaboration Area : Physical Layer Security
- Email: trung.q.duong [at] qub.ac.uk
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/trungqduong/
Fabrice Theoleyre
Professor, Research Scientist (CNRS, ICUBE (formerly LSIIT), Strasbourg University, France
- Collaboration Area : Energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks, Testbeds & experiments
- Email: theoleyre [at] unistra.fr
Homepage: http://www.theoleyre.eu/
Hideki Tode
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Intelligent Systems,
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
- Collaboration Area : Optical Network Architecture, Wireless Networks
- Email: tode [at] cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp
Homepage: http://www.cs.osakafu-u.ac.jp/~tode
Rentsen Enkhbat
Professor, School of Economic Studies, National University of Mongolia
- Advisory Professor, Inje University
- Collaboration Area : Network Optimization, Global Optomization, Nonconvex Optimization
- Email: renkhbat46 [at] ses.edu.mn
Homepage: http://smcs.num.edu.mn/enkhbat/
Nak Woon Sung
Doctor, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea
- Collaboration Area : Handover over WiMax , Optimal control in wireless network
- Email: nwsung [at] etri.re.kr